AtlanticWave-SDX  is a distributed experimental SDX, supporting research, experimental deployments, prototyping and interoperability testing, on national and international scales. Challenges in the Wide-Area Networks (WAN) are being addressed by the application of network virtualization and network programmability solutions using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) technologies. Network virtualization and programmable networks are two key enablers that facilitate agile, fast and more economical network infrastructures as well as service development, deployment and provisioning. The AtlanticWave-SDX project focuses on new capabilities, enabling OXPs to react to unplanned network events by adding intelligent closed-loop control of network services powered by in-band network telemetry.

AWAVE-SDX is comprised of two components: An infrastructure development component with optical super channels to reframe and reprovision network capacity between R&E backbone networks; and, an innovation component to build a distributed intercontinental experimental SDX by leveraging Open Exchange Points (OXPs) in the U.S., Chile, Brazil, and South Africa.

The project is led by Florida International University (FIU), with the University of Southern California – Information Sciences Institute (USC-ISI), and the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and builds upon previous work started in 2015 with support from Georgia Institute of Technology (Gatech). Read More

News & Events

CI Engineering Lunch & Learn – Friday Feb 28th, 2025 @ 2pm ET

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Join us for an exciting tutorial on AtlanticWave-SDX & FABRIC integration!

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AtlanticWave-SDX All-Hands Meeting – January 27-28, 2025

The AtlanticWave-SDX All-Hands Meeting, held on January 27-28, 2025, brought together key contributors as the project enters its fifth...

Experiments and Demonstrations Using World-scale Experimental Network with Ten International 100Gbps Paths at SC24

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AtlanticWave SDX Demo

Meican - AtlanticWave SDX Cross-Domain Orchestration & Provisioning for Facilities and R&E Networks

SDXLib - AtlanticWave SDX Cross-Domain Orchestration & Provisioning for Facilities and R&E Networks

What is Software Defined Exchange (SDX)?

An SDX refers to a meet-me point where independent-neutral administrative domains can exchange computing, storage, and networking resources.

An SDX can support network-aware applications to achieve end-to-end programmability and control.


AtlanticWave-SDX Goals

  • Develop and deploy an SDX at AMPATH (Miami), SoX (Atlanta), SouthernLight (Sao Paulo), and AndesLight (Santiago) open exchange points
  • Provide the research community with an Opensource SDX Controler. Visit our project documentation.
  • To enable domain scientists to reserve network resources through a multi-domain SDX
  • Build a distributed SDX between the U.S. and S. America
  • Support a dramatic increase in south-north science flows


AtlanticWave-SDX project is supported by NSF Award #1451024 and #2029278. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in AmLight ExP materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.